The Throughline: What It Is, Why You Need One, and How You Create One (Part 2 of 2)

The Throughline: What Is It, Why You Need One, and How You Create One (Part 1 of 2)

The throughline is a single thread that winds through your story and off which everything else hangs. It drives the writing and organizes the plot, action and character development. The throughline is the main motivation driving the protagonist toward the ending. It is what holds your story together so it can be a story instead of a random collection of anecdotes and scenes. A good throughline is how you propel your story forward in a way that makes sense.

Three Questions to Ask Yourself If You Want to Be a Writer

Three Questions to Ask Yourself If You Want to Be a Writer

Lots of people talk about writing and being a writer. They dream about book signings and being famous, the photo on the back of the cover, the money. What few do is embrace what it takes to get there. The hard days/nights of work and the roller coaster of emotions that are inevitable. Even fewer actually sit down and write.

If you want to be one of this small group, ask yourself these three questions:

Interrogating Your Characters: How Asking Questions Will Lead to Stronger Writing (Part 2 of 2)

Interrogating Your Characters: How Asking Questions Will Lead to Stronger Stories (Part 1 of 2)

The only thing that matters in fiction is why. Why does what is happening matter to the protagonist and other characters? Why should we care? It’s not enough for things to happen to your characters. You have to know what it means to each of them and how it affects their lives. This means you need to know what makes your characters tick. Why they make the choices they do. Why they react the way they do. Why they don’t just walk away.

Opening Lines (Part 2 of 2)

Opening Lines (Part 1 of 2)

First sentences are paramount to stories. They are the first impression. The hook by which readers are tempted to continue on instead of tossing the book back on the shelf so they can keep looking. They are a portal to the story itself.

Why Storytelling Matters in Business: Another Market Segment for Writers

Why Storytelling Matters in Business: Another Market Segment for Writers

Life is emotional. So is business, whether you want to admit it or not. Sure, you might not be able to cry at your desk everyday or throw temper tantrums in the break room, but emotions do come into play in business.

Organizations use emotion to make you care about their products, services, and causes. They use it as a form of persuasion, which is the art of making you desire something you might not otherwise.