The Science of Story
Stories are powerful. We all want to know what happened next, how it felt to stare down danger or fall in love or fail spectacularly. It’s exactly those stories that help us connect and feel.
This blog could be like any other out there, sharing the power of story. But what happens if I tell you why stories matter to me? What if I let you into one of my stories before I give you facts on why stories work? Let’s see.

The Empathy Center of the Brain & Why You Need to Understand It
Human beings rely on empathy to navigate the world. That empathy lies in the brain and the maps we use appear in the form of stories. It’s our ability to connect emotionally that separates us from the reptiles. Our evolution holds a big reason for that. Let’s go back...
Brainstorm More Story Ideas: Understanding the Science & Proven Tips for Generating Ideas
All writers live by the power of their story ideas. How are yours? Do you struggle to come up with ideas? Or do you hit a wall when you try to develop them into something useable?

Boost Your Creativity Through Play
There is something about snow that brings out the child in me. It starts to fall and I want to run out, tip my head back and stare up into the infinite flakes falling. And then I want to fling myself down and make snow angels. The urge to act like a child is even stronger at this time of year with the packages and wrappings and toys. Santa. Reindeer and all the trimmings that come with the holidays.
But it shouldn’t take a holiday for us to put aside our adult selves and fall into the freedom of play. As writers it is essential to indulge our imagination and play like a child, to feel that release in letting go of adult responsibilities and worries. Not only is it fun, but it is essential for writers and other creative types to learn to tap into that part of themselves.