How to Succeed in Your Writing and Freelance Business in 2022 (Part IV of IV)
The final blog in this series focuses on how to achieve your goals as a freelance writer of self-directed work (articles, blogs and such) and as a novelist.

How to Succeed in Your Writing and Freelance Business in 2022 (Part III of IV)
Explore strategies and tactics for finding client-based work in this third installment in the series on finding new work in 2022. We’ll finish up the series next week with a blog focusing on strategies and tactics for freelance writers (articles, blogs, etc) and those writing novels or nonfiction books.
Taking on clients is a great way to boost your business. Not only does it open up your potential sources of income, but clients offer a variety of benefits to any freelance business.

How to Succeed in Your Writing and Freelance Business in 2022 (Part II of IV)
What are you goals in 2022? What do you need to do to reach them? This series looks at the questions you need to ask and answer to achieve your vision. It looks at questions like, how many words do you want to write? How many clients do you need? How many assignments? How much will you need to charge to make it?

How to Succeed in Your Writing and Freelance Business in 2022 (Part I of IV)
Success looks different these days. Our world has changed these past couple of years and freelancing has become more common and more competitive. Standing out as a freelance writer or author has become a bit harder. How will you succeed?
This series looks at setting yourself up for success in the new year. January is the perfect time to set a course for the months ahead. It’s typically a slow period for freelancing and the weather invites introspection and planning.

Setting Your 2022 Writing Goals for Success
The start of a new year always comes with a sense of new beginnings and a refreshed attitude. Making resolutions to write more and finish that novel go hand-in-hand with renewed energy. The problem is making that energy last beyond the second week. Sticking to those resolutions until they are fulfilled or underway and part of a new routine.

Gifts for Writers 2021
Gift ideas for the writer and reader in your life, even if that’s you. Here is the 2021 holiday gift guide from Figments & Fables.

NaNoWriMo: The Halfway Point—How Are You Doing?
We are halfway through November, which means, if you are doing NaNoWriMo (writing a novel during the National Novel Writing Month of November), you should have at least 25,000 words on the page by now. How are you doing? Ahead of schedule? Behind? Hopelessly flailing or flying along?

What You Read…Does It Matter?
Does it matter whether you fill your head with the classics or modern books? Manga or SciFi/Fantasy? Romance or nonfiction? The top 100 books by NPR or the Rory Gilmore Challenge? Does what you read matter as much as the fact that you are reading?

What I Carry: Inside a Writer’s Go Bag
Summer is fading, even if the heat persists. It’s back-to-school time and the sales of pens, paper, and notebooks are calling to me as they always do.

Three Questions to Ask Yourself If You Want to Be a Writer
Lots of people talk about writing and being a writer. They dream about book signings and being famous, the photo on the back of the cover, the money. What few do is embrace what it takes to get there. The hard days/nights of work and the roller coaster of emotions that are inevitable. Even fewer actually sit down and write.
If you want to be one of this small group, ask yourself these three questions:

12 Non-Writing Fields Writers Should Study
Studying is an eternal state of being for writers. It’s our lifeblood–how we hone our craft and add depth to our work. As Gary Paulson says, “If you want to be a good writer, you’ve got to read like a wolf eats.” I believe that applies to studying too.